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05 November 2019 -
Press release

Brooks Macdonald affirms commitment to advisers and the platform market with lower ongoing charges figure (OCF) for its Platform Managed Portfolio Services

Target OCF of 1% for active and 0.5% for passive will meet growing adviser demand for value driven solutions.

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Brooks Macdonald was one of the first wealth managers to launch a Platform Managed Portfolio Service (PMPS) giving advisers another way to access its well-established centralised investment process and long-term investment performance track-record. Brooks Macdonald PMPS is now entrusted with managing nearly £1bn in assets, across 10 risk profiles, on behalf of advisers and their clients (as of September 2019).

In response to the growing number of advisers requiring sophisticated but value driven solutions for their clients, Brooks Macdonald has now set a reduced target OCF for its PMPS, while maintaining the rigour of the investment process and overall quality of its offering.

The PMPS range will now target an OCF of 1% for active portfolios and 0.5% for passive portfolios, inclusive of Brooks Macdonald’s fees and underlying fund charges. As part of this offering, clients will also benefit from a lower headline fee rate of 0.25% for active, and 0.20% for passive, making the management fee and total fee amongst the most competitive for platform portfolios.

Co-Head of UK Investment Management Robin Eggar said: “Advisers are faced with the dilemma of providing a high-quality investment solution to their full range of clients whilst being mindful of the impact fees can have on client returns. By targeting a  lower OCF for our Platform Managed Portfolio Service, we are providing an offering to advisers to deliver for their clients in a way that aims to ensure the total cost to the end client remains competitive.”

Richard Spencer, Chief Investment Officer said: “In 2018, we launched our Responsible Investment Service to demonstrate that we did not need to compromise on our proven investment process to further our clients’ sustainability objectives. Today, we are maintaining that refusal to compromise but delivering value driven solutions for advisers and clients with the launch of our cost targeted portfolios on Platform MPS.”

Since 2012, Brooks Macdonald PMPS strategies have been launched across 14 platforms. Brooks Macdonald will continue to extend platform availability to meet the needs of advisers and their clients.

Enquiries to:

Brad Ryan
[email protected]
Direct: 020 7659 5837 Mobile: 07563 764 953

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