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29 June 2022 -

Brooks Macdonald announces reduction to the annual management charges for its Cornelian Risk Managed Fund Ranges

Brooks Macdonald has announced significant reductions to the Annual Management Charges (AMC) on both the Cornelian Risk Managed Fund Range and the Cornelian Risk Managed Passive Range.

  • Funds
  • Costs and Charges
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These changes to Cornelian Risk Managed Funds, which take effect from 1 July, have no impact on the investment process or how the funds are managed.

In the Brooks Macdonald 2021 Financial Adviser survey, three-quarters of advisers stated competitive fees and charges were an important factor for them, demonstrating that value for money continues to be a key attribute when attempting to win and retain business.

The reductions to the Cornelian Risk Managed Fund Ranges will enable advisers to offer fund ranges at the most competitive price at a time when, with inflation recently reaching its highest point in 30 years, clients need it the most.

Robin Eggar, Managing Director, Head of UK Investment Management said: “At Brooks Macdonald, we’re constantly working towards our ambition to deliver robust investment performance alongside outstanding service for our clients and intermediaries. We understand the importance of cost as a key consideration in the advice process and we are pleased to announce these reductions to the Cornelian Risk Managed Fund Ranges.”

SVS Cornelian Risk Managed Fund Range – D (Clean) Share Class
Fund NameDynamic Planner 
Risk Level*
Planned AMC 
from 1 July 2022
Expected OCF 
from 1 July 2022
SVS Cornelian Defensive30.75%0.50%1.27%1.02%
SVS Cornelian Cautious40.75%0.50%1.23%0.98%
SVS Cornelian Managed Growth50.75%0.50%1.22%0.97%
SVS Cornelian Managed Income50.75%0.50%1.32%1.07%
SVS Cornelian Growth60.75%0.50%1.18%0.93%
SVS Cornelian Progressive70.75%0.50%1.21%0.96%
SVS Cornelian Risk Managed Passive Range - G (Clean) Share Class
Fund NameDynamic Planner 
Risk Level*
Planned AMC 
from 1 July 2022
Expected OCF 
from 1 July 2022
SVS Cornelian Defensive30.30%0.20%0.62%0.52%
SVS Cornelian Cautious40.30%0.20%0.57%0.47%
SVS Cornelian Managed Growth50.30%0.20%0.55%0.45%
SVS Cornelian Growth60.30%0.20%0.55%0.43%
SVS Cornelian Progressive70.30%0.20%0.55%0.45%

* Risk ratings for Dynamic Planner as at 31 March 2022
** See Important Information overleaf for details of changes to the Ongoing Charges calculation. Based on the latest audited Ongoing charges as at 15 April 2022.

Enquiries to:

Brad Ryan
[email protected]
Direct: 020 7659 5837 Mobile: 07563 764 953

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