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26 July 2018 -

FE 5 Crown rating renewed for Defensive Capital Fund

  • Rating
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We are delighted to announce that FE Trustnet has renewed its 5 Crown Fund Rating for the Defensive Capital Fund. Evaluated twice a year in January and July, the rating considers three key measurements: alpha, volatility and consistency.

On receiving the renewed rating, Jon Gumpel, manager of the Fund commented ‘I am delighted our Fund has continued to be rated 5 Crowns by FE Trustnet. The rating is an important confirmation of the Fund’s strong risk-adjusted performance and its longer-term consistency. What I particularly like about the FE rating is that it considers both performance and risk, enabling investors to give both of these key elements the proper consideration.’

FE Crown fund ratings help investors identify funds which have displayed strong performance in terms of stock picking, consistency and risk control. The top 10% of funds are awarded 5 FE Crowns, the next 15% receive 4 Crowns and each of the remaining three quartiles are given 3, 2 and 1 Crown(s) respectively. They are frequently used by professional advisers to screen for the best performing funds in a sector and can be used as part of an adviser’s paper trail to show thorough and rigorous research has been undertaken.

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