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29 March 2019 -

Defensive Capital Fund celebrates ninth anniversary

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The Defensive Capital Fund (DCF) celebrates its nine year anniversary on 29 March. The Fund has grown to £630M and has generated positive returns in eight of the last nine calendar years. The Fund has recently won a Lipper Award in the Absolute Return Sector for its strong performance over three years.

Jon Gumpel, Co-Founder of Brooks Macdonald and Lead Manager of the DCF since inception said, "Over the last nine years, the DCF has demonstrated the merits of using a portfolio of quality alternative assets to provide positive, defensive returns. With both bonds and equities looking expensive, alternatives’ potential to continue to produce positive absolute and relative performance remains attractive.’’

Niall O’Connor, Deputy Fund Manager, said, “As this long economic cycle continues to age, stock picking will become increasingly important. Our bottom-up focus on finding mispriced and often under-analysed assets should provide us with interesting opportunities in the year ahead.”

We would like to thank our investors for their continuing support.

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